Fibromyalgia is a chronic and common musculoskeletal pain syndrome. The way it manifests itself is tenderness, pain and severe fatigue at various points of the body (18 points in total). Fibromyalgia patients usually have hard joints, headaches and depression.
Although the number and type of fibromyalgia symptoms vary according to the individual, chronic pain and stiffness, fatigue, sleep problems and cognitive impairment are common.
Although fibromyalgia therapy varies depending on the specific symptoms of the individual, relieving effective symptoms for many is a trial and error process, and treatment may include both traditional Western medicine approaches and complementary therapies as well as lifestyle approaches.
Hypnosis and fibromyalgia
The researchers did not know exactly how hypnosis treatment works in fibromyalgia patients. In a study at the University of Iowa in the United States, they analyzed brain activity scans during hypnotic suggestions by chronic pain patients to explain what actually happened in the brain during hypnosis.
Researchers have found that hypnosis reduces activity in pain areas of the brain. In particular, they found that activity levels were significantly reduced in the brain region responsible for pain caused by “emotions..” This has shown that hypnosis therapy works because it actually has a physical effect on the brain.
The effect of hypnosis on fibromyalgia symptoms:
Fibromyalgia patients often benefit from hypnosis to limit their pain symptoms and increase their energy and comfort levels:
“This randomized, 2-month controlled study compared 59 women with fibromyalgia who underwent 5 non-standard hypnosis sessions (30) and were on the waiting list control group (29). The patients in the group participating in the sessions were encouraged to apply autohypnosis (self-hypnosis) and at the end of 6 months, the hypnosis group reported a better outcome and a significant improvement in sleep pattern compared with the control group. ”
In a study by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), fibromyalgia patients receiving hypnosis treatment reported 80% less pain symptoms than non-hypnotic patients.
Other benefits of hypnosis include:
Less muscle pain
Less morning fatigue
Less sleep difficulty
Higher comfort level
Clinical Hypnosis: This type of hypnosis is performed by a licensed professional. The hypnotherapist should first explain what hypnosis is and how it can help reduce pain. It will then guide you through hypnosis through a series of relaxation exercises. When you enter the hypnotic state, it will advise you on how to change your thoughts or behavior to minimize your symptoms.
Self Hypnosis: A type of hypnosis that you can do yourself in the comfort of your home. You can learn to hypnotize yourself from your hypnotherapist. Self-hypnosis techniques, often used as a form of relaxation or meditation, are indispensable for fibromyalgia patients.